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"available_in_store": "0",
"categories_hierarchy": [
"Parts>Other Parts",
"custom_brandname": "Rule",
"custom_brandurl": "//",
"description": "<p><strong>AUTOMATIC</strong><br>Automatically removes water from engine compartment without the use of a float switch. Cycles every 20 seconds to check for water. Compact design allows it to fit in tight spaces. Easy installation. Equipped with gasoline resistant strainer base and 72” wire leads.</p><p><br><strong>NON-AUTOMATIC</strong><br>Removes water from engine compartment. Runs continuously when switched on. <br>Compact design allows it to fit in tight spaces. Easy installation. Equipped with gasoline resistant strainer base and 72” wire leads</p><p><strong>LOW-PRO AUTOMATIC</strong></p><p>Great pump for sport boats. Designed for pumping water in tight spaces. Fully rotating discharge body swivels up to 180° for easier install and different suction depths. 2 automatic modes; high or low water sensing which starts when water level reaches 2" or 1.3", and automatically turns on every 2.5 min. until water is gone. Tricuspid check valves help prevent backflow. Can mount either horizintal or vertical. 3/4", 1", 1 1/8" straight, 90° 3/4" port configurations.</p><p><br><strong>INSTALLATION KIT</strong> contains: 2 ft of hose, 2 hose clamps, one right-angle hull fitting, one fuse assembly, hole saw, and sealant</p><p><strong>PROP 65 WARNING:</strong> Cancer and/or reproductive harm - <a href='' rel='noopener' target='_blank'></a></p>",
"id": "efa207f14a44ff83d423057334abc321",
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"intellisuggestData": "eJwUwTEKgDAMBdBc6EN-Gmp6C8HBuTZVXB09vciLl5EUYwybZYHXSrhmQfepqO1k55HWfIjs6wYrUCPlp0K5nju_AAAA__83Qw-g",
"intellisuggestSignature": "66627911202dc7201fc30bd792d8080b0d401054631f543c2e3f01348bb8796d",
"is_featured": "false",
"msrp": "192.95",
"name": "Rule Automatic Bilge Pump 500 Gph - 25S-6WC",
"popularity": "0",
"price": "138.95",
"product_type_unigram": "pump",
"sku": "WPS-23-0211",
"ss_has_image": "1",
"ss_in_stock": "1",
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"thumbnailImageUrl": "//",
"uid": "100469",
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"variant_mfield_size_variant": [